"We Just Can't Hide That Dragon PRIDE!"

Lori Oduyoye, Principal
I am honoured to have been selected to serve the students, faculty/staff, parents, and the entire Geeter community, and will work hard to gain your trust and respect as Geeter's principal. I believe the every human being has a right to a quality education. As a result of that belief, it has become my life's passion to ensure all students are equipped for excellence. No matter the race, color, or creed, I am committed and dedicated to my call to school leadership. I take PRIDE in my leadership and will work hard to reach our goals and achieve our vision.
Geeter has a legacy of producing student leaders. I want to continue that tradition by ensuring that every student is reaching his or her full academic potential, with their social and emotional needs recognized as an integral element of their academic achievement. This means all of us, together, have to use data driven practices that allow strategic planning for students to achieve mastery of the essential learning in all subject areas. Supporting our students to do well at school and in their lives is the core of our work.
Therefore, it is imperative that we, collaboratively, ensure that vision and mission guides our work on a daily basis. It will dictate everything we do regarding academics, student development, and professional growth. Through teambuilding we will be able to sustain our strengths and address our indentified areas for needed growth and improvement.
We have a big challenge ahead of us; however, I truly believe that together we will be successful in achieving our goals. I look forward to tackling these challenges with you, and celebrating a successul school year!
Lory Oduyoye
"We just can't hide that Dragon PRIDE"

Samuel Bachelor, Assistant Principal
As a school administrator my goal is to help foster positive relationships and teambuilding among all Geeter stakeholders. I will strive to create a safe learning environment for all students. Also, I will partner with students, families, and the community to establish a standard that promotes PRIDE!